Thank you to the Keches Law Firm for providing my team a location to film our new videos.
A fully-functional hipbone enables you to move about and perform your daily activities. Mild or chronic hip pain …
A painful hip can interfere with everyday tasks and keep you uncomfortable. Hip problems impact everyone, regardless of …
The tendons, ligaments, muscles, and bones surrounding the knee are susceptible to injury and structural damage. If conservative …
The knee joint is vulnerable as it absorbs stress from everyday activities like walking, lifting, and running. You …
Your shoulders are among the body’s most flexible joints. They allow you to brush your hair, reach for …
The shoulder and upper arms are some of the most used parts of the body, and injuries can …
Anyone who has pinpoint tenderness, joint pain, back pain, arthritis or joint instability is a good candidate…
Dr. Albert Franchi has done thousands of prolotherapy injections. In this video, he talks about how it works on injured tissue….
Prolotherapy helps to produce fibroblasts that fill in these areas to smoothen out the cartilage – in the same way you would put asphalt in the road to make your ride smoother. This helps to relieve the pain of arthritis significantly…
Prolotherapy treatment for knees is the number one condition we treat. It is a very effective treatment for cases of arthritis and knee instability that are the result of tendon and ligament damage.
Shin splints are micro tears of the muscles that attach to the tibia. They have to be distinguished from stress fractures, which could be caused by running and excessive use. Usually this can be done with an x-ray.
Prolotherapy also known as Regenerative injection therapy is a treatment that stimulates damaged connective tissue to heal, more specifically ligaments, tendons and cartilage…
Our practice treats patients who typically have the following shoulder related issues; arthritis, most rotator cuff tears as well as biceps ligament tears...
Rotator cuff tears can be healed with Prolotherapy about 90% of the time in selective cases. If you have a complete rupture of the rotator cuff, with retraction of the tendon,..
Osteoarthritis is caused by a combination of genetics, weight and activity - as well as trauma.
Prolotherapy is effective for back pain due to the following two conditions; sacroiliac instability and interspinous ligament....
Injections are given each week for three to 5 weeks…
In general, the success rate for the treatment for arthritic joints is 80%. Most arthritic joints will require booster injections a year or two later after the initial successful treatment.
The prolotherapy success rate for patients with torn ligaments and tendons is about 90%, and usually does not require further treatment once...
Dr. Franchi discusses different types of patients he has helped over the years.
Dr. Franchi has found prolotherapy to be an effective treatment for the following conditions of the hip. Arthritis and certain tears of the labrum,
Dr. Franchi discusseshow Prolotherapy works to stabilize different ligaments and tendons that can cause joint instability.
Ted Johnson came to Boston Prolotherapy because he had a painful lateral epicondylitis, more commonly known as tennis elbow. He received five treatments and is now back to lifting weights, as he did before...
There are some joints in the body that Dr. Franchi can’t treat. Certain joints, for instance, the small toes and parts of the fingers, cannot be treated because the joints are...
Actually there is little difference between golfer’s elbow and tennis elbow. Prolotherapy can be very effective for both conditions.
One of the most common problems that people come to me for is plantar fasciitis. Many people in middle age start to develop slight falling of their arches. This is due to deterioration of ligaments in the arch. The plantar fascia is the major ligament…
Prolotherapy is very effective for the treatment of chronic pain due to sprains, joint instability and degenerative joint disease and is an aid to the speedy recovery of acute injuries..
People want to know if they’re going to get instant relief from Prolotherapy and I tell them, usually not. Everybody responds at a different time rate. Usually the treatment is either one injection each week for three weeks or possibly five weeks…
Response varies depends upon the state of the patients health and type of injury. Some get partial relief after the first injection others take longer
Pain can, but usually not for years and can be retreated with the same success….
Many athletes and weekend warriors suffer from partially torn tendons and ligaments and also suffer from onset of early arthritis…
Dr. Franchi – why should people seek a second opinion when they have been advised that they need to have a total joint replacement as a result of Osteoarthritis?
Prolotherapy is very effective for groin strains. Usually it takes three injections. The injections have to be placed precisely at the insertion of the adductor muscles to the pubic bone area. With the patients we’ve seen, we’ve seen an 80% to 90% success rate…
Dr. Franchi discusses how Prolotherapy works to help women with this post-partum condition.
There is a special group of people who are also candidates for prolotherapy – people who have hyper flexible joints. Their joints are so loose that they become unstable. Sometimes they dislocate their shoulders..
Any persistent pain effecting athletic performance can be treated with Prolotherapy…
I receive tremendous personal satisfaction receiving grateful thank-you notes from patients who, three months prior, were absolutely miserable,
After doing this for over 30 years, I have a very good knowledge of the anatomy. If you’re going to receive these injections, it’s very important that they be done by someone who is familiar with the anatomy and knows the precise area to place the injection…
If you live far away the treatment schedule can be modified…
Watch what a typical examination looks like in our office.
There are no limitations to activity except very heavy weight lifting or very traumatic sports…
Dr. Franchi has been performing Prolotherapy longer than anyone else in all of New England. Moreover, his experience …
85% of those who undergo prolotherapy get at least a 50% reduction in pain and many get complete relief..
Dr. Franchi talks about treatment of certain joints in which implants and joint replacements are not successful; specifically, ankles, wrists, elbows and the great toe of your foot...
Unless the pain is due to a true inflammatory problem, Prolotherapy is more effective and longer lasting…