92 Montvale Ave, Suite 4650, Stoneham, MA 02180

Wed. & Thu. 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Closed: Mon., Tues., & Fri.



We have implemented COVID-19 procedures to keep you safe.

You can find out if you’re a candidate and obtain a better understanding of where we might be able to help you by checking out our video library or calling the office to set up a time to communicate directly with Dr. Franchi and he will personally advise you whether or not prolotherapy is your best treatment option.

Your initial orthopedic examination is billed to your Insurance Company.

You are responsible for your first visit co-pay. However, your Prolotherapy treatments are not covered by Insurance. We will assist you in pursuing reimbursement from your insurance company by providing you a copy of your medical records when you submit your paper work. We prefer payment at the time of service and we do accept personal checks as well as all major credit cards.

Injuries that cannot be treated with Prolotherapy include Herniated Disks, Spinal Stenosis, Carpal & Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Morton’s Neuroma, or Fibromyalgia (Nerve Entrapment Syndrome). In addition, Prolotherapy will not work for a most torn meniscus that is not on the periphery.

However, because we are a full-service orthopedic practice, we do treat everything noted here – as well as many other conditions – with a variety of other modalities.

In addition, we are happy to provide second opinions. Further, if we are not able to help you, we will refer you to the most appropriate physician to treat your condition.

Dr. Franchi Discusses Conditions He Does Not Treat

Yes they do. But only for a few minutes. I use a combination of 50% dextrose solution and 2% lidocaine. Once the lidocaine takes affect the patient should be pain free for about 1 to 2 hours. Then a lesser pain will return for up to a day then gradually disappear.

While some other physicians utilize the multiple injection technique, I do not use it with my patients. Therefore, my prolotherapy treatments are less painful and just as effective.

Often there is more than one cause to pain which is overlooked. For example, the diagnosis of lower back pain is complex and often there is more than one cause for your pain – and sometimes the secondary cause can be overlooked.

For instance, often people are told they have lower back pain from a herniated disk, however, their symptoms don’t match the findings of the MRI. This is most commonly found with SacroiIliac Instability which can be treated with prolotherapy.

Another common misdiagnosis – people are told their symptoms are from a meniscus or a labral tear when the real cause is underlying arthritis. This is most common with shoulders, knees, and hips. If this is the issue, it can be treated with prolotherapy.

In both these examples, surgery will not help and, in fact, can do more damage.

For these reasons, we are happy to provide second opinions.

Dr. Franchi Discusses Second Opinions

In the hands of an experienced practitioner it is very safe. The needles are not placed near any vital structures of the body.

The only side effects that we have recorded were a transient rash and transient local numbness.

That depends upon the individual. But usually, somewhere between 3 and 5 injections are required.

Yes, there is no problem being able to drive a car after you receive treatment.

We can still do the injections with just 50% dextrose. We can numb the skin with a freezing solution of acetone.

You can take Tylenol. If that doesn’t work we will provide you with a small amount of narcotic pain medication.

Prolotherapy was slow to catch on in the medical profession because the use of dextrose (sugar) has always been associated with placebo. In this case, it is the active ingredient. Physicians on the west coast first rediscovered this treatment and it is growing in popularity nationwide. We are proud and confident to be bringing it to the New England area.

If possible we do encourage our patients to bring someone with them for the initial consultation so that all questions get asked, answered, and remembered as well as possible. Having someone with you for your initial consultation is a good idea for all of our patients.

Prolotherapy is very effective in treating issues with the shoulder. Treatments typically relieve shoulder pain, weakness, instability, and stiffness caused by trauma – as well as bad posture.

Prolotherapy is also an effective course of treatment for joint instability that can be caused by ehlers thandanls syndrome (EDS).

Prolotherapy is especially effective for tendon tears caused by overuse of the shoulder. Rotator cuff tendon tears are among the most common triggers of chronic shoulder pain, and prolotherapy is a definite alternative to rotator cuff surgery. Prolotherapy can also relieve other common shoulder conditions, including: osteoarthritis, instability of the shoulder, AC separations, and partial tear of the bicep ligament.

In most cases, back pain is easily relieved with home treatments and correct body mechanics. Surgery is rarely used to treat pain in the lower back. If you are interested in easing back pain, you may be the right candidate for prolotherapy. This treatment focuses on healing and restoration.

At Boston Prolotherapy, we have found an 80-90% success rate in using prolotherapy for back pain arising from sacroiliac instability and interspinous ligament instability. The treatment will promote the rejuvenation of the torn ligament and ease back pain.

Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is a chronic joint condition caused by wear and tear in the joints. Although the condition can impact multiple places in the body, primarily it affects those joints carrying the most weight, like those in the knees and feet.

A healthy joint has a protective tissue called cartilage. When our cartilage wears out, the bones will rub together and result in pain, tenderness, stiffness, and other symptoms. The affected joints will not move as smoothly as before, and likely will prevent you from moving effortlessly and without pain.

Our treatment techniques at Boston Prolotherapy focus on restoring the normal function of the joint and help you resume your normal activities without pain and stiffness.

The best treatment for your Osteoarthritis will depend on factors including your overall health, age, medical and family history, lifestyle, and severity of the condition. While the condition of Osteoarthritis is long-lasting, treatment techniques such as prolotherapy should be able to help you participate in an active lifestyle.

Cortisone shots are used to treat a range of orthopedic issues, including tendonitis and arthritis. Cortisone mimics the actions of cortisol in your body, which is released by the adrenal glands. Unfortunately, the effects of cortisone are short-lived.

While cortisone shots are powerful anti-inflammatory medications, they have many limitations. At Boston Prolotherapy, we encourage treatments that provide long-term relief to issues such as back pain, arthritis, and tendonitis. We recommend Prolotherapy for patients who want to lead more active lives.

If the benefits of a cortisone shot wear off quickly, you might want to explore other treatments that can provide effective results. The side effects of cortisone can also be serious, and it is better to seek safer remedies.

At Boston Prolotherapy, we use Prolotherapy to treat the root cause of joint inflammation. While cortisone will temporarily ease the pain, Prolotherapy will stimulate the healing of an injured tendon or ligament as well as create a fibrous cushion in the joints of arthritic patients. This should provide long-term relief.

Depending on the type and severity of your knee issue, Prolotherapy may be the best non-invasive option. As an alternative to knee surgery, Prolotherapy injections allow the body to repair itself. In a free phone consultation, Dr. Franchi will be able to give you a pretty good sense if your situation is a fit for Prolotherapy.

If you have a lot of pain after a Prolotherapy procedure, apply ice. We recommend only taking Tylenol. If necessary, we can prescribe a narcotic.

Boosters depend on your level of pain. Some of our patients return for boosters once per year.

If we treat more than one problem at the same time we do provide discounts.

You can return to working out with modifications in consultation with Dr. Franchi. He will advise you on how to make modifications at work as well.

The MCL is easily injected. The ACL is very difficult to inject and does not work for a complete rupture. The success rate is much lower. Although Prolotherapy is not appropriate treatment for treating a torn meniscus, quite often patients have underlying arthritis that is very treatable, and the arthritis and that is usually the major cause of the patient’s symptoms.

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